Joint Service 04/02/24

We will be joining with our friends from Leith. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig for a joint service at Leith St. Andrew’s at 11am.

You can watch the service here

Holy Communion 28/01/24

February Magazine

Open Doorway 25/01/23

The Open Doorway will be open next on Thursday 25 January from 10.30am to 12 noon for chat, refreshments or quiet time, everyone is welcome.

Sunday Worship 21/01/24

Sunday Worship 14/01/24

Click the image below to watch the video of the service

Joint Service 07/01/24

We join with the congregations of St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s for a joint service to mark the first Sunday of the New Year.

The service starts at 11am, all are welcome

New Year’s Eve worship 31/12/23

Lessons and Carols 24/12/23

Gift Service 17/12/23

Donations of money through the open plate will allow us to buy gifts for people in Circle Care.
If you’re watching on-line you can use the link on the website to make a donation