Category: Worship

Sunday Worship 29/12/24

Please join us for the final Sunday Worship at Pilrig St. Paul’s before our union on 1 January 2025 Sunday Worship will take place at LARCH: Restalrig from then on.

Lessons and Carols 22/12/24

Holy Communion 15/12/24

Gift Service 8/12/24

Joint Worship Sunday 01/12/24

On Sunday 1 December we will join with our friends at Leith St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig for our final joint service before our union on 1 January 2025. Everyone is welcome, the service starts at 11am

Sunday Worship 17/11/24

Holy Communion 27/10/24

Sunday Worship 20/10/24

Joint Harvest Festival 13/10/24

You are invited to bring along donations of non-perishable food to support the NE Edinburgh Foodbank

Sunday Worship 06/10/24