Category: News

Joint Service 05/05/24

Next Sunday 5th May we are having another of our regular Joint Services with St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s. This time the service is at Leith St. Andrew’s at 11am

Open Doorway

The Open Doorway is open on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 10.30am to 12 noon. The next session is on Thursday 25 April. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a refreshment and a chat or an opportunity for quiet prayer

Joint Service 04/03/24

We are joining with our friends at St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s for our monthly joint worship. This month we are at St. Margaret’s and the service starts at 10.30am, everyone is welcome.

Open Doorway 25/01/23

The Open Doorway will be open next on Thursday 25 January from 10.30am to 12 noon for chat, refreshments or quiet time, everyone is welcome.

Happy Easter!

Holy Week Services

The three churches are sharing the Holy Week services as follows: Wednesday 5 April – 7 pm – Pilrig St. Paul’s Thursday 6 April – 7 pm – Leith St. Andrew’s Friday 7 April – 7 pm – St. Margaret’s Those attending the Thursday Service at Leith St. Andrew’s have been asked to bring along …

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Joint Service 05/03/23

The three churches will be having their next joint service at St. Margaret’s Restalrig on Sunday 5 March 2023 at 10.30am. Please note the earlier start time. There will be no service at Pilrig St. Paul’s on that day.

Joint Harvest service at St. Margaret’s Restalrig

Next week, 9 October we will be joining with our friends at Leith St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig for a joint Harvest festival at St. Margaret’s church. Please note the earlier start time of 10:30am. You are invited to bring donations of non-perishable goods for the Foodbank

Amazon Smile

If you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on 12 & 13 July, Amazon will double donations: Simply shop with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app or at, and AmazonSmile donates to Edinburgh: Pilrig St Paul’s Parish Church of Scotland.

Sunday Worship 26/06/22

Due to illness we will not be able to hold our service in Sunday. We are invited to join with our friends at Leith: St. Andrew’s church at the foot of Easter Road on Sunday at 11am