Category: News

Leith and Restalrig Church

Our congregation will unite with Leith St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig on 1 January 2025 to form the new congregation of Leith and Restalrig Church (LARCH) The website from that point will be at We can be contacted at [email protected]

Joint Worship Sunday 01/12/24

On Sunday 1 December we will join with our friends at Leith St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig for our final joint service before our union on 1 January 2025. Everyone is welcome, the service starts at 11am

Joint Worship 3/11/24

Once again this Sunday we are holding joint worship with our friends from Leith St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s at 10.30 am in St. Margaret’s church. Everyone is welcome. Please note the earlier time

Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

29 September 2.30pm We warmly welcome you to this special service, especially if this is your first time at one of our services. We remember the lives of loved ones, no longer with us, who have touched our lives in ways we will never forget. For over 175 years people have come to this place …

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Joint Service 01/09/24

We are having another of our regular Joint Services at St. Margaret’s Restalrig so there will be no service here at Pilrig St. Paul’s The service starts at the earlier time of 10.30am There will be a light lunch after the service, all are welcome

Joint Service 05/05/24

Next Sunday 5th May we are having another of our regular Joint Services with St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s. This time the service is at Leith St. Andrew’s at 11am

Open Doorway

The Open Doorway is open on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 10.30am to 12 noon. The next session is on Thursday 25 April. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a refreshment and a chat or an opportunity for quiet prayer

Joint Service 04/03/24

We are joining with our friends at St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s for our monthly joint worship. This month we are at St. Margaret’s and the service starts at 10.30am, everyone is welcome.

Open Doorway 25/01/23

The Open Doorway will be open next on Thursday 25 January from 10.30am to 12 noon for chat, refreshments or quiet time, everyone is welcome.

Happy Easter!