Life Events

Celebrations are a great part of life and there are certain times when it is appropriate to hold those celebrations in the church. Parents often want to thank God for the safe arrival of a new baby either through a thanksgiving and dedication service or by having their baby baptised and we are glad to make arrangements, where possible, for this to happen at Pilrig St. Paul’s

The church provides a natural setting for weddings to take place. When there is a special wedding anniversary some couples like to renew their wedding vows and this can also be done at Pilrig St. Paul’s

As well as celebrations, there are other more sorrowful occasions that require to be marked and the church is from time to time the venue for a funeral or thanksgiving service.

In each of the above occasions, a service is prepared that will reflect the love and care of God for you and your family, whatever the event. You will always be encouraged to meet with the minister when preparing for these services. Of course, you don’t have to wait until one of these life events happens before coming along to Pilrig St. Paul’s, you’d be most welcome any Sunday.


When a baby is born, there is much cause for celebration and thankfulness to God for the gift of such a precious life. If you are new to Church it may be that you have children whom you would now like to have baptised even though they are older. That’s great and we’d love to …


The death of someone you love is often a difficult time, even if their death is not unexpected. You may find yourself having to arrange a funeral and wondering how to go about that. You may also wonder whether to contact a minister or not. Please feel free to contact the minister directly or via …
